The camera we have opted to use is a Canon EOS 500. This camera also belongs to me, and I have a fair amount of experience using it so I know how to access special effects etc. on it, and when we shoot, we will be able to progress quickly, as we will not have to spend ages coming to terms with how the camera works, especially as I can teach the rest of my group how to use it if need be.
For editing, we are using Grace's Apple Mac, and are going to use iMovie. We used iMovie for our preliminary task, so we know how to use this, too. The only issue with this is that we experienced a lot of problems posting the prelimiary task onto the blog, as whenever we tried to post it onto YouTube there was an error message, and it wouldn't save it onto a space where we could access it to put it onto the blog; it would only save in the iMovie files.
However, this time we have a better idea of how to use iMovie, so it should be easier to edit the footage effectively.